100 Days of Summer 2024

May 24, 2024

Turn off the TV, slide on those flip-flops, and get out and about in Ashland this summer! From Memorial Day to Labor Day—100 brilliant days in all—you can enjoy the best of performing arts, the great outdoors, and dozens of other activities that will make the summer of ‘24 your family’s best yet.

Our community is excited to once again bring you these legendary Ashland summer events. We hope to see you there!

Get your copy of the 100 Days of Summer at the following locations:

Ashland Area Chamber of Commerce/Explore Ashland - 211 Claremont Avenue

Ashland Public Library - 224 Claremont Avenue

EVA's Treats - 601 Claremont Avenue

Armstrong Cable - 1215 Claremont Avenue

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